How to Live Abundantly at Any Age!

  • Step 2 of 2 50% 50%

STEP 2: WAIT! check out this special offer! 

Congratulations on making the smart choice to participate in the summit! You will get an amazing amount of information, especially with all the FREE GIFTS from the speakers. You’re going to want to remember so much of what you hear and what you learn. 

Which brings me to my only concern. I know you are busy, and I wonder if you will be able to take the time to watch all the interviews and access all the bonus material. 

The Retire Living Abundantly VIP Package contains everything you need to maximize this event and take what you learn even further:

Lifetime access to all summit recordings. The summit allows you 48 hours to view each interview. There may be some you want to watch more than once. Or you may accidentally skip a day. Listen at your convenience with the VIP Package.

Retire Living Abundantly Journal – You’ll be able to record your takeaways and notes on each speaker and the topic all in one place. This is a downloadable resource created just for summit VIP members. Each interview ends with the speaker sharing their advice on the most important decision you should make right now. Keep all their suggestions in one place so it is convenient as you work on your strategy and plan.

2024 Kick Off Plan with Cindy Alexander. January is right around the corner. What a perfect time to take control of your financial future and start steering in the right direction! This session is for discovering, identifying, and discussing the most critical and important things you need to do to transition your life towards living abundantly.

Double Entry for Prizes Each day there will be prizes drawn and awarded during the summit. VIP Package owners get an extra shot at an additional prize!

Get The Retire Living Abundantly VIP Upgrade for $47 Today!