Featured Speaker: Ellen Argo
About Ellen Argo
CEO of Treasure Valley Rossiter, PainReliefIn30.com, and ADHDBOSS.fun
Hi! I'm Ellen Argo.
In my journey through athletics, I've not only explored the depths of Rossiter but have also had the privilege of mentoring a new wave of passionate practitioners. Every hurdle I've faced in my 3,000+ clients, 200+ students and even my own movement has fueled my unique teaching techniques.
When you dive into my methods, you're really getting a piece of my heart and years of dedication. My master trained colleagues? They're not just delivering sessions; they're sharing a piece of our vision and commitment. Trusting in any of them is like trusting in me, and together, we're committed to your transformative results.
Ellen is 1 of 5 master certified Rossiter instructors in the world and has launched a course to help people find immediate and lasting pain relief, so that more people can find the relief they have been looking for, no matter where they live in the world.
Ellen is CEO of Treasure Valley Rossiter, PainReliefIn30.com, and ADHDBOSS.fun
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Ellen 's Gift
About Ellen Argo
Hi! I'm Ellen Argo.
In my journey through athletics, I've not only explored the depths of Rossiter but have also had the privilege of mentoring a new wave of passionate practitioners. Every hurdle I've faced in my 3,000+ clients, 200+ students and even my own movement has fueled my unique teaching techniques.
When you dive into my methods, you're really getting a piece of my heart and years of dedication. My master trained colleagues? They're not just delivering sessions; they're sharing a piece of our vision and commitment. Trusting in any of them is like trusting in me, and together, we're committed to your transformative results.
Ellen is 1 of 5 master certified Rossiter instructors in the world and has launched a course to help people find immediate and lasting pain relief, so that more people can find the relief they have been looking for, no matter where they live in the world.
Ellen is CEO of Treasure Valley Rossiter, PainReliefIn30.com, and ADHDBOSS.fun