Featured Speaker: Stephanie Grams

About Stephanie Grams

Keepsake Textile Artist, CEO of Grams Designs LLC
Stephanie Grams CEO of Grams Designs LLC began her entrepreneurial journey at a young age. Having learned how to hand sew from her mom and maternal grandma at 7 years old she began the sewing journey of a lifetime. After suffering a miscarriage in 1993, and then the sudden death of her 14-month-old daughter, Hannah Grace, in 2001; Stephanie has turned her passion for sewing into a business that helps others through their own personal struggles and journeys in life. Stephanie is a skilled keepsake sewist and has spent the last 20 years teaching herself how to create and sell patterns, write and publish books, and learn the business side of sewing. Today, Stephanie speaks to aspiring, new, and/or struggling Memory Bear and Keepsake Sewing Business Owners, through her website called Sewpreneur (a combination of Sewing Entrepreneur), her published book, speaking engagements, and online instruction. Stephanie Grams invites you to join her free newsletter at Sewpreneur.com and decide if you starting a keepsake sewing business is right for you and your retirement goals.

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Stephanie's Gift

About Stephanie Grams

Stephanie Grams CEO of Grams Designs LLC began her entrepreneurial journey at a young age. Having learned how to hand sew from her mom and maternal grandma at 7 years old she began the sewing journey of a lifetime. After suffering a miscarriage in 1993, and then the sudden death of her 14-month-old daughter, Hannah Grace, in 2001; Stephanie has turned her passion for sewing into a business that helps others through their own personal struggles and journeys in life. Stephanie is a skilled keepsake sewist and has spent the last 20 years teaching herself how to create and sell patterns, write and publish books, and learn the business side of sewing. Today, Stephanie speaks to aspiring, new, and/or struggling Memory Bear and Keepsake Sewing Business Owners, through her website called Sewpreneur (a combination of Sewing Entrepreneur), her published book, speaking engagements, and online instruction. Stephanie Grams invites you to join her free newsletter at Sewpreneur.com and decide if you starting a keepsake sewing business is right for you and your retirement goals.
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